While photographing the girls over the last few days to get up to date photos of their new feathers I realised just how inseparable Peaches and Barley are. Every set of photos had these two girls side by side or head to head.
They are so much more together than any of the other girls in my flock. I think it’s because they have been together from hatching and hanging out with their mum to joining my flock at six weeks old. They are now six months old and they are totally bonded to each other. They remind me of Pepper and Dotty which is why it was so important to me to re-home those two together.
Honey and Amber are the next closest pair but they are not inseparable like these two and although they used to spar when little I have never seen them peck at each other ever, again, like Pepper and Dotty. Honey and Amber peck each other to show who is currently top of the two of them and occasionally fight and fall out.
I can’t imagine that happening with these two. They are so sweet in their total togetherness.