Last week I bought the girls a pumpkin and have been giving them a chunk every few days. At first it is always a scrum to get the seeds then they take turns pecking at the flesh. It lasts all afternoon and I find one big chunk is okay because as some of the girls tire of it the next ones get their turn. When I put smaller chunks in it ends up in the dirt and they lose interest in it whereas a big chunk stays put on the patio.
Topaz being top girl got the first go at the pumpkin but by the time I returned with my camera she had lost interest.
Peaches and Barley are never far apart and you can see Barley on the right hand side of the photo tucking in to the pellets.
I think Barley is getting ready to lay soon. The last few mornings when I have been cleaning the coop she has been really vocal and has come in and had a scratch around in the nest box. I can’t wait to be getting some eggs again.
I love this. I have over large courgettes which I cut into rings. They love the middle and leave perfect circles .It’s like small children not eating their crusts .
I bet you can’t wait for them to start laying .
They are looking stunning.
I do this with slices of melon too and at the end of the day there is just a ring of skin.
I can’t wait for them to start laying. Barley was with me in the coop again this morning giving me a constant stream of chatter. I love it.