Topaz and Toffee have finished their moult and look pristine again. Emerald looks like she has finished but I am still finding some of her feathers in the coop each morning and when I pick her at bedtime I can feel her pins.
Peaches and Barley have had their partial baby moult and have their adult feathers now.
Honey and Amber’s pins are opening up and Honey has one tail feather remaining while Amber has lost her tail.
Sparkle has pins opening on her bottom and I can feel her pin feathers when I pick her up at bedtime. She is still laying a few eggs a week though.
My husband put a little shelf up for my new boots under the shoe box so they don’t get pooped on.
Of course nothing in this run is really just mine though.
Barley is my most interactive girl and if I point the camera she will always jump in front for a photo and if I stoop over at all she will always jump on my back.
Emerald is still gaping five weeks after she started but she is behaving normally in every other way and I think she is gaping less. I hope it will continue to get less often until it stops altogether.
This is off topic but was just too cute to miss. They had a great time together and were practically on top of each other. They are such a tight pair.
I actually feel quite excited about the girls getting their feathers in after this moult because it will be the first time in nearly a year that Honey and Amber have had neck and head feathers and this time they will get to keep them.
I really hope never to have a feather pulling problem again and it will be just wonderful to have my whole flock looking beautiful again.
You seem to have addressed the feather picking very effectively; once through the moult, they’ll all look beautiful. Toffee looks amazingly good. Still no leghorn eggs? Still no marans eggs here, although they are now squatting when I go to pick them up.
Still no eggs from the youngsters and no squatting yet either so I think your girls will beat mine to it. I always estimated it to be around November so we will see. Sparkle continues to be our sole egg supply at the moment and only enough for Sunday breakfast, sigh! Getting feathers is the greatest thing though.
I just love that photo of them dust bathing , they are so in unison!
My girls moult is really big time . My poor Clover who always looks stunning looks so sad . It was not until they lose their feathers you realise how thin they are .
Peaches and Barley definitely come as a pair and are always in unison.
Poor Clover, but she will soon be beautiful again. The moult is so hard on them but they will come out of it looking perfect once again.