Peaches and Barley

I just love Peaches and Barley’s opposite flopping combs and love that I can tell them apart at a glance now.

Barley and Peaches at bedtime

Barley and Peaches at bedtime

They look so funny straight on. Barley is on the left and Peaches on the right.

Barley is such s poser

Barley is such s poser

Barley is easier to photograph. She is the one that jumps on me the most and she photo bombs other girl’s photos. Her comb isn’t as floppy as Peaches and that seems to make it look bigger.

Peaches floppier comb

Peaches floppier comb



Peaches comb reminds me of a mop cap. I love how when they are pecking at the ground together their combs bob up down. These girls really make me smile.

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2 Responses to Peaches and Barley

  1. Jackie says:

    I just had to chuckle

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