Today is day seven of the flubenvet. Emerald is still gaping although not so much. I tried to look inside her beak and it is just pink. What really worries me is that she is so lethargic. She has her sunflower hearts laced with olive oil and flubentvet in the morning then goes to a perch and preens and dozes for most of the day.
I picked her up at bedtime last night and felt her crop which was not as full as usual but felt normal and there is no sound from her chest.
I talked to the vet again this morning and he is as perplexed as I am. He feels that if it were gape worm the flubenvet would have killed it by now but if it was a respiratory problem there would be other symptoms such as a rattle in the chest, bubbles in the eyes and runny nose which there is not. He wondered if it could be a throat infection.
I asked him about doubling the dose of flubinet and should I carry on with it and he said it can’t do any harm so I should give her double the dose for the next few days and if there is no change we could try her on antibiotics.
I am going to go back tomorrow and ask for antibiotics as I am afraid to delay any longer as it’s already been more than a week.
Tonight I gave the girls some corn before bedtime and Emerald ate the corn and had some water but then instead of having some pellets as usual before bedtime she went to the high perch ready for bed.
I was worried that she isn’t eating enough so my husband suggested that as she helps herself from the corn or sunflower seed container I should try offering it to her to get her to have a bit more. Although not ideal any food is better than no food.
That started some fun and games and you wouldn’t think there was much wrong with her when she is trying to help herself to the treats.
It all got a bit chaotic with all the girls trying to get in on the act. When Emerald went to the shoe box we thought this would be a good spot to give her a bit extra but Sparkle soon cottoned on to it and cleaned up.
At least I knew when I put the girls to bed that Emerald had something in her crop. Emerald is lively to the treats but it worries me that she is not scratching around during the day and dust bathing but just sitting preening and dozing. I have checked the coop for red mite and it is clear.
I just want my beautiful Emerald to get back to her usual busy self.
Fingers crossed that she will soon return to normal. You’re doing the right things, Carol and antibiotics usually do the trick.
I so hope so. I really thought the flubenevet would do the job but now am unsure if it was ever gape worm although the symptoms, gaping and initially head shaking lead there. Now I think antibiotics is the next step as I don’t know what else to do. I just so want to get her back to normal and can’t bare the thought that I might lose her. I mustn’t go there yet and have to give antibiotics a try as the next stage.
I don’t think you have ever had such action shots.. Brilliant! Even if they were not taken by you … I should call you Mrs Bird I reckon. 🙂
Even under duress we must take photos. Hubby took loads and I picked a few but could have put out many more. Don’t want to bore every one but the girls really performed for us this evening.
A secret, the first ones we took the camera had got knocked to a weird setting and they were all rubbish. I said I thought we couldn’t take them again but hubby said we could try and we got even better shots.
Sending good thoughts your way. It’s so frustrating trying to figure these things out. I can’t tell you how many times I sat a hen in my lap and asked her to use her words to tell me what was wrong. Try giving her some scrambled egg or tuna or something really loaded with protein before bed.
I know, I keep begging her to tell me what is wrong but maybe even if she could talk she wouldn’t know what is wrong anyway.
I have some tuna so will give her that today. I will also put out some mash to try to encourage her to eat more.
I do hope she is improving . Changed my mind you are now Lady bird.. How corny is that ? I have never known any one that is so in tune with their girls as you .
Did you have pets as a child?
We had a family dog and I had a gerbil. I think that not having many pets as a child made me want pets now.
I loved the idea of chickens because they don’t mess up your house and don’t need to be walked when you are too busy. I liked the fact that they are outside pets and of course there is the added bonus of eggs.
What I hadn’t realized is how much they get to your heart and what wonderful characters they are. I wouldn’t want to be without chickens now. They have given me so much more than I ever expected including my blog and the interaction of like minded people in the comments which I love.