Solving the squabbling

Since I have been putting fruit and salad items in the square feeder, a pecking problem has developed. Dotty keeps Bluebell away from the feeder by pecking at her head. This is awful to see. Every time Bluebell gets near she is pecked and marches around loudly saying “boc boc” to show her displeasure. I have tried moving Dotty away but she returns to do it again. Dotty has never pecked Pepper as they have been together since they were babies and are really close, she also never pecks Treacle as she is a bigger bird and would peck her back. Bluebell never pecks back which is frustrating to see. I have been giving Bluebell some of the treats by hand so that she doesn’t miss out and after they have finished feeding they all sit close together in harmony, so this problem is only happening at the treats feeder. Light bulb moment! I will get a second feeder, Dotty can only be at one at a time and I know Bluebell is smart enough to work out using a different one to Dotty. I purchased a second feeder and put some lettuce, tomato and cucumber in each. The original feeder hangs on the right hand side of the gate, so we hung the new feeder on the left hand side of the gate. It worked and a game of alternate feeding began.

Treacle, Pepper and Dotty at the original feeder

Bluebell now has the new feeder to herself

Treacle joins Bluebell at the new feeder

Pepper now joins them

Dotty  has the original feeder to herself

Treacle and Dotty at the new feeder

Bluebell returns to the original feeder with Pepper

Dotty now has the new feeder to herself

It was quite amusing to watch the constant changing from one feeder to another and there was no pecking, so hopefully, problem solved. That is until the next problem crops up!

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2 Responses to Solving the squabbling

  1. Flock Mistress says:

    Gosh, they are getting SOOOOO BIG!!! I can’t wait for my little ladies to grow up big. They are 3 1/2 weeks old now and so much bigger than before. And they can fly REALLY well.

  2. Carol says:

    I know what you mean. I have had them three months now (can’t imagine a time without them), so they are between four and five months.

    I looked up your babies and read that they fly really well as you have already found out! You are going to have lots of adventures with those little ladies.

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