
My husband went to the farm today where we get our disposables and where we re-homed Pepper and Dotty. While he was there he went to look for them. He started with the barn but there were no chickens in there. He then went to the part of meadow that is under a big tree and seems to be a favourite spot for the chickens.

There he found Pepper and Dotty together amongst some of the other chickens. He said they were happily scratching and pecking at the grass. Both had fluffy bottoms (Pepper’s was quite bare before) but Dotty still had a bare head.

I didn’t even mind this fact because I know it means that they are still sticking together as close a pair as ever. Pepper probably still plucks Dotty’s head when they are together on the roost but I know Dotty would rather it be that way than they were separated.

At least now they aren’t plucking any other chickens and they aren’t plucking my little girls and they are happily free ranging. My husband called me to let me know he was with them and I felt a lump in my throat to hear that. I felt so very pleased that they were happily settled and free ranging.

Meanwhile back in our run Topaz is still the angriest chicken I have ever seen. I am continuing with the routine of having her out first thing in the morning, at lunch time and before bedtime.

Yesterday afternoon after I had got Topaz out for a little while I let her back into her favourite coop but forgot to open the other coops back up for egg laying.

Before bedtime I went in to get Topaz out and was most surprised to find that she was sat on an egg. That was when I realised that the other coops were still closed and brave Honey had gone in the coop with Topaz to lay her egg. Topaz must have manoeuvred the egg under herself.

Topaz was the most angry we have seen her yet. Having an egg to sit on for the afternoon before being forced off of it enraged her. She would stand up tall, lift her wings, raise her ruff and screech. We had never imagined such a small chicken could be so angry. She shouted and rushed at the other girls. At one point she grabbed Amber by the neck feathers when she got too close to her.

I must make sure in future that the other coops are re-opened for Honey and Sparkle to lay their eggs.

Today I took my camera with me in case she did this again but today she was just normal angry. When she comes tearing across the patio shouting the chicks get up on the coop roof or the high perches to keep well out of her way.

Peaches and Barley on the coop roof

Peaches and Barley on the coop roof

They look at me as if to say can’t I do anything about this mad chick!

Topaz meanwhile pecks at an apple with fury. My husband says she looks like she is taking her anger out on the apple. I see how hard and fast she pecks the apple and I know I don’t want my hands near her.

Topaz takes her fury out on an apple

Topaz takes her fury out on an apple

This was the only photo that wasn’t blurred as everything she does at the moment is at break neck speed. She has been like this for a week now. It will be so nice to get our sweet Topaz back when she comes out of this.

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