Update on Amber

As this has progressed we have had a re-think. It seems more likely that perhaps Amber has scratched her face, maybe flown into the wire or maybe been stung and the infection has perhaps stopped her laying her egg.

We are thinking this because it seems unlikely that a broken egg would effect her face so quickly and looking on the internet it seems other hens with a swollen face were thought to have an infection.

The good news is that after the first day of bright yellow poops there have been no more. Amber seems almost back to normal, eating, drinking, pooping, preening, just with a terribly swollen face. She is also very quiet.

I called into the vets today with a photograph of her and Honey together for comparison. The vet was in theatre but the nurse took the photo to him. They agreed it looked like an infection. I asked if I could use a human antiseptic such as savlon or something similar. The nurse said yes as there isn’t a chicken version but use with caution as it’s not tested and don’t get it in her eyes (obviously).

We decided to apply it at bedtime when she would be docile. I am feeling much more positive now. Amber is a fighter, a tough little cookie.

This was her with her poor little face while soaking up the sun this afternoon.

Amber in the sun

Amber in the sun

We checked in on the girls at eight o’clock and they were already settled in their bedtime positions so we decided it would be better to treat Amber sooner rather than later.

I lifted her from the perch and held her securely while my husband held her head and applied the cream carefully, stroking it downwards away from her eyes.

I put her down and gave her a few sunflower hearts as a reward. My husband said the swelling felt as hard as bone.

I stayed with the girls for a while as they milled around and re-settled again on the high perch. Before Amber went back to the perch she was chatting which was the first time I had heard her do that all day. I think this is a good sign that she is beginning to feel better.

Emerald tried to join the girls on the high perch but it was Amber that chased her away and she then settled as usual on the shoe box. Perhaps this why she is never on the high perch, as bottom girl she isn’t allowed and Amber must be feeling better to be able to see her off.

We will keep applying the antiseptic cream before bedtime for the next few days and see if it has any effect. I don’t hold out too much hope that it will do much good but do hope that given time her face will return to normal. She does seem better in herself so we can only hope she recovers from this.

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2 Responses to Update on Amber

  1. Jackie says:

    Time will tell and TLC.

  2. Carol says:

    I agree. I have looked at all the internet photos of hens with swollen faces. So many looked like Amber and the general opinion was perhaps a peck or injury causing infection. Most said it takes time and I seem to be doing the right thing. Only time will tell. It’s such a shame that everything seems to happen to poor little Amber but she is a fighter.

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