Plant protection

I should have known that the girls would immediately set about stripping the new plants of their leaves. The tall one is tall enough to be safe but the other two shrubs were quickly becoming bare.

It’s not pretty but this was all the chicken net I had left so I cobbled up some protection as best as I could.

Plant protection

Plant protection

I made a sort of tent out of the chicken net. It’s not great but it’s the best I could do with what I had. They may peck through the net but once they have taken what they can reach the rest will be protected.

I hope these shrubs grow quite quickly.

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4 Responses to Plant protection

  1. Jackie says:

    What can I say ? My girls have a bay tree which they don’t touch.

  2. Carol says:

    I guess the leaves of the bay tree are too tough. We have a bay tree in the garden which we put in seven years ago and it is now enormous. Once the shrubs get taller the girls can strip to their reach hight as with all the other plants in the run but I just need to protect them until they grow a bit. I should have known really!

  3. Steve says:

    I saw that coming!

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