More plants for the chicken run

I felt the new part of the chicken run was a bit barren. I thought it could do with some more plants to give the girls shade, shelter and something to scratch under.

We went to our local garden centre and were pleased to find they had a “three for the price of two” offer on. I picked three plants, two that looked tough and woody and able to survive chickens and one that was tall enough to be mostly out of reach of the girls.

Three new shrubs for the chicken run

Three new shrubs for the chicken run

The middle one has pink foliage and doesn’t show up so well but I thought it would provide a contrast. I am hoping that as they mature they will all merge together and make a good sized area for the girls to scratch and shelter under much like the huge hypericum.

I think this will provide a good wall of green for the girls

I think this will provide a good wall of green for the girls

Once my new babies, which I will be getting in a few weeks time, are integrated with the flock I think we will take down the divider in the new part of the run. This will still leave the part that has the spare coop as a separation area if we ever need it and the divider could also be put back if it’s ever needed.

In the meantime it will give the girls (and me) a bigger open space instead of two narrow spaces and will give room for the plants to grow. The run is always evolving and improving and I want to end up with the best possible space for the girls to enjoy.

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3 Responses to More plants for the chicken run

  1. Jackie says:

    They are spoilt .

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