Has Topaz come of age?

The bedtime line up has slightly changed. For the last two nights Topaz has joined the girls on the high perch. Up until then she had always put herself to bed in the coop at least an hour before the other girls settled.

The night before last I was surprised that she was still in the run pottering with the other girls when she would usually be in the coop. I was surprised again when I returned at dusk and she was on the high perch.

Last night I decided to take my camera with me when I went in to put them to bed and sure enough Topaz was on the high perch again.

Topaz on the high perch at bedtime

Topaz on the high perch at bedtime

Topaz is on the left next to Toffee then Amber and Honey on the right.

Sparkle as always is on top of the cabinet

Sparkle as always is on top of the cabinet

I have never found Sparkle anywhere else but here at bedtime. You can see by the gift she has left me that she has been settled here for a while.

Emerald on my shoe box

Emerald is on my shoe box

Emerald always settles here. It is funny how they have their preferred places to roost and stick to them every night.

I wonder if this change in Topaz marks her coming of age and maybe she will finally start laying some eggs. She is really taking her time getting started.

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