Pepper and Dotty

Yesterday we needed some disposables which we get from the farm where we re-homed Pepper and Dotty. Usually my husband goes to collect them but we decided to go together to see how Pepper and Dotty were settling in.

We went to the disposable warehouse first and asked how Pepper and Dotty were doing. The guy said the farmer had said they were doing fine and laying eggs and she was surprised that one of them had jumped on her. That was something I had completely forgotten to tell her about.

We said we would go and look for them before collecting what we needed. We went to the orchard where most of the chickens were and called for them but there was no sign of them. I started to feel a little worried. We then went back to the barn where we had left them and to my surprise they were still in there despite the doors being wide open and it being a lovely sunny day.

I felt quite upset as I had hoped to see them scratching about in the orchard or meadow and here they were where I had left them. The farmer said she would keep them in there for four days so they they would know that was home which meant they had four days with the doors open and still hadn’t ventured out.

My husband pointed out that we put an umbrella in our run (before the roof panels) to give a dry area and it took them days to go out in the garden area and only then with meal worms to encourage them. I would encourage them out of the barn with meal worms but a farmer will leave them to do it in their own time.

My husband said that he was sure they wouldn’t stay in the barn for ever and next time we visit they may be in the orchard but it’s been a big change and will take time for them to get used to.

I talked to them and they came to me and I stroked them. I moved outside in the sunshine and tried to encourage to them out. They were almost there when another chicken came towards the barn at that moment and they retreated back in. They jumped to a perch and Dotty fluttered her head under Pepper’s wing. I was choked and crying by now but felt so glad that they had each other.

I looked in the nest boxes and saw a familiar egg. The farmer said she finds eggs all over the farm under bushes and in the undergrowth and I felt sure this was one of my girls’ eggs.

The tears were streaming as I said goodbye to them but I know in my heart they will still be happier when they get out and explore and realise that they have so much more space. They don’t like change and it will take time. I felt terribly upset on the journey home but when I went in to my flock and saw how happy they are I knew I had done the right thing but it so hard.

I have had a few tearful moments since seeing them again and my husband said maybe I shouldn’t have gone but I knew that it was something I needed to do.

I felt in need of some chicken therapy and dug over the entire run. There were a few worms to be had and the girls had lots of soft soil to scratch in.

I returned after dusk and Honey, Amber and Toffee were on the new high perch. Sparkle as always was on the top of the cabinet and Emerald in her new spot on top of my shoe box and as always Topaz was in the coop. I lifted them all down in turn and easily popped them in the coop and shut the door.

It’s been very emotional but I am still certain that I have done the right thing for all of my girls.

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4 Responses to Pepper and Dotty

  1. Jackie says:

    You have done the right thing and you know you have …Sorry .. It is done and your new girls are happy which is all that you have to worry about.
    Pepper and Dotty will be fine . You probably caught them at the wrong moment.. How do you know they are not running around the rest of the time. I can hear them now “Here she comes lets huddle together and make Carol feel guilty !”

    • Steve says:

      I was actually just thinking the same thing. For all you know they could have spent the whole day outside, and had just gone back inside to relax in the shade.

      • Carol says:

        Funny that you thought the same as Jackie when it hadn’t crossed my mind. I did wonder if I should call the farmer but think it’s best to leave it be.

        Richard says next time we go there it may be completely different.

    • Carol says:

      I hadn’t thought of that but knowing how long it has taken them to adjust to even small changes in the past I think they probably haven’t been out.

      I know my little girls are much happier now though and I am sure the big girls will adapt in time.

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