Another new thing was learned today

I have a square bird suet container for the chickens. It hangs just inside their gate, quite low, so that I can put in things for them to peck at, while keeping it off the ground and out of the dirt. I could put in apple or lettuce, fruit, vegetable or even dandelions. I have put in melon and lettuce and none of the chickens found it, so I removed the items untouched. Today we had a break through. They have been pecking at melon and tomato over the last few days but they do pick it up, put it in the dirt then abandon it. Today I took the holder away and filled it with chunks of melon and halves of tomato. When I went in through the gate, they rushed to me to see what I had got. I showed it to them, then hung it on it’s hook inside the gate. Immediately Bluebell started pecking at it, followed as usual by Dotty and Treacle. Pepper hung back and I wonder why, when she is brave enough to display chest out to Treacle, she doesn’t put herself forward for treats. Once the other girl’s had their fill and moved away, she went over and had it to herself. Is this her strategy?

As usual Bluebell is the first to find something new

Treacle and Dotty quickly catch on

Pepper has her turn when the others have finished


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