Scrambled egg

Last night I hoped the new girls would roost with the old girls. I went out at dusk and was pleased to see that Toffee was on the top of the store cabinet with Sparkle instead of balanced on a plant pot.

Honey and Amber were on the coop roof so I checked inside the coop and as usual Topaz was settled in there.  So where was Emerald? I checked around and found her on the perch in the garden area nearest to the area with the little coop.

I don’t understand why she dug under the wire to get to the coop roof the night before when she could have gone to that same perch but now she can easily get to the coop roof she has chosen the perch instead.

I put all the nearest girls in the coop then went round to the perch and collected Emerald and put her in and closed the door. I wonder where they will choose to go tonight. I would prefer them to all be together and hope that with a bit of practice they will manage that.

Today I decided to give the new girls their first taste of scrambled egg. I had Amber’s soft egg to use up and also added cod liver oil and limestone flour in a vain hope of doing Amber some good even though it doesn’t appear to.

Emerald's first taste of scrambled egg

Emerald’s first taste of scrambled egg

Honey was chasing the new girls away so I put one pot on the wooden block so that it was further away. Sparkle never joins in with anything in the dishes as she doesn’t like to compete with the other girls but was much more interested in the lone dish of egg.

Sparkle inspects the dish of egg

Sparkle inspects the dish of egg

Toffee tries to pluck up the courage to go to the dish

Toffee tries to pluck up the courage to go to the dish

Toffee didn’t get much of a look in before Amber took over. Amber who is the smallest girl got the lion’s share of the egg but I don’t mind that as it is her that needs the limestone and cod liver oil.

I think they all liked the egg but they need to be braver and quicker. I put out three dishes but I am not going to put out six dishes. They need to learn to get their share.

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2 Responses to Scrambled egg

  1. Jackie says:

    All I have to say is I am now down to 3 dishes from 5 .
    Keep up the good work. 🙂

  2. Carol says:

    I have just been in with them and already Emerald comes to me, Toffee is still a bit shy but getting better. I have just been watching them and I do think they are so beautiful. I think they are doing so well for such early days.

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