
On a completely different subject I wonder if anyone remembers the mystery plant that self seeded in one of my plant pots last year.

It turned out to be a common orchid. Well one year on it has doubled it’s small size and is doing rather well in the garden.



I think it rather likes it here.

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4 Responses to Orchid

  1. Steve says:

    Loads of stuff self seeds in my garden too. Unfortunately it’s all dandelions and ground elder!

    • Carol says:

      That’s always the deal, you get some good stuff and some bad stuff. The more open space you have the more weeds you seem to get. Our garden is so full that sometimes the good stuff arrives in a pot, probably dropped by birds rather than seeded like dandelions just blowing across. We do get the odd dandelion though but they are pulled up and given to the chooks who love them so it’s actually okay.

  2. Jackie says:

    Any plant would like your garden …and yes I do remember it.

    • Carol says:

      Ah, you are so kind. Glad you remembered it. I am actually pleased by it’s random appearance in our garden. My mum says they are common on their wild green land in Norfolk but are difficult for gardeners to grow to so I feel quite blessed.

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