The first day with the new girls

This morning I went out at five o’clock to let the new girls out of the little coop. I wanted to let them out early as it is quite warm at the moment.

They didn’t rush out and I decided to let them come out in their own time. I removed the dog crate and set up their feeding station then started the morning clean up. About ten minutes later they came out and instead of heading for food and water Emerald went straight to a dust bath.

Emerald having a dust bath

Emerald having a dust bath

Toffee came out and had a look around

Toffee came out and had a look around

They both seemed quite settled. Toffee is top of these two as occasionally she would give Emerald a quick peck to show her who is in charge. Toffee is more wary of me though whereas Emerald doesn’t take much notice of me.

Amber and Emerald lifted their ruffs to each other and then Topaz and Toffee lifted their ruffs to each other but it was all over in a few seconds.

Later that morning Toffee was sat on one side of the gate and Honey and Amber were sat together on the other side of the gate opposite and they seemed very comfortable together.

When I went back up later Emerald was back in the dust bath.

Emerald is really going for it in the dust bath

Emerald is really going for it in the dust bath

That really is a good impression of a dead chicken. Look at her little upturned face with her eyes tightly shut.

Queen of the dust bath

Queen of the dust bath

They have had greens this morning and apple this afternoon and tucked into both happily. They seem to have settled in really well.

I am hoping they will put themselves to bed tonight and then tomorrow they can have all of their half of the run. That will give them some perches to explore.

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2 Responses to The first day with the new girls

  1. Jackie says:

    I loved them . You mentioned to me that a lot of people don’t like Game birds..I thought they were stunning .

    dotty & Pepper …who? 🙂

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