The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence

When I let the girls’ together at the end of each day they instantly switch sides. They rush to the feed dishes on the other side as if the food in the opposite dish must be better despite being identical.

I give the girls’ some greens every day at mid morning. If I have a cabbage heart I hang it on wire from the gate. I did this this morning on the little girls side and the big girls’ frantically walked up and down the wire wanting to get to the cabbage. I hung some on the inside of the big girls gate and the little girls’ tried to peck at it from their side.

Okay I can solve this. I moved the cabbage from the little girls’ side to hang on the other side of the big girls’ gate. Instant harmony as they could all peck away together.



Honey isn’t with them as she is in the nest box laying her egg. Sparkle isn’t with them as she is a bit of a loner and shows no interest in joining in with the other girls’. Even if they have a dish of mash or scrambled egg Sparkle never joins in and she is always wandering about on her own and doesn’t let the other girls get too close her. They all have such different characters.

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2 Responses to The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence

  1. Jackie says:

    So how is the separation going?
    I hope it is going better than with my Miss Broody 🙂

    • Carol says:

      I am not finding it easy. Pepper has become very noisy as she doesn’t like being separated and doesn’t like having to lay in the nest box on the other side. She does a lot of shouting.

      To add to the problem the rain was so heavy last night that despite all the roofing the other side is now completely wet again so today I have had to let them mix. It wouldn’t be fair to leave one group with no dry soil. We are more than frustrated with this at the moment and I have already caught Pepper pecking the little girls’ heads.

      My husband would like to get rid of Pepper but I can’t. I am at my wits end, sorry to sound so negative but it’s getting to me at the moment.

      Hope your broody comes out of it soon.

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