A chicken’s patio

I have always liked the fact that the chicken coop and feeding station were on the patio area as any pine shavings and spilt food can easily be swept up.

The newly separated area doesn’t work so well as the shavings get scratched from the coop into the soil and some food makes it to the soil too.

I decided to make another little patio area out of anything I could find in the garden. We had some paving stones that we used as stepping stones in the garden when we wanted to do some weeding. They had become so overgrown that were hidden and never used any more.

I found them all and gathered them up to make an area in front of the little coop which is used as a nest box and for the food and water. It’s a bit makeshift and I’m not sure how well it will work but as it hasn’t cost anything I thought it worth a try.

A chicken patio

A chicken patio

Okay it’s not a patio as such more a selection of paving stones jig sawed together but I think it will do the job.

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