The second day of separation

This morning my plan worked like a dream and I don’t know why I didn’t think of it in the first place. I opened the store cabinet and as always the big girls jumped to the coop roof. I lifted them down into the coop and shut the door.

I threw corn into the little girl’s area and they all ran in while I closed the gate. I could hear Dotty calling from the coop and can just imagine what she was saying!

I let the big girls out and gave them some corn. Job done both quickly and easily. Tomorrow I intend to switch sides and will simply lift the big girls from the coop roof and put them in the other area instead of in the coop. I will see which way round works best or possibly change on alternate days.

I made up some mash for each set of girls and in the little girl’s mash I added some limestone flour and some of the cod liver oil that my friend Jackie kindly got for me. The separation means that I don’t need to give it to the big girls as they are producing calcium bobbles on their egg shells from the extra calcium but Amber can benefit from it.

I hung both girls some cabbage above a perch so that they will have to work for it. The big girls went straight up the ladder to the cabbage.

Dotty and Pepper pecking at the cabbage above their ladder

Dotty and Pepper pecking at the cabbage above their ladder

I had to take this from outside because as soon as I went in they left the cabbage and turned towards me.

Pepper and Dotty on the big perch

Pepper and Dotty on the big perch

Topaz loves to snooze on the new perches and Sparkle snoozes in the sun. The big girls had another lovely dust bath and they both laid today. Honey laid yesterday and Sparkle today.

I will put them all together before bedtime again tonight and I will put them in opposite sides tomorrow.

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2 Responses to The second day of separation

  1. Jackie says:

    Isn’t it great when a plan comes together . All you need now is feathers.

    • Carol says:

      I know. My husband keeps asking if there are any signs of feathers yet and I keep saying give it a chance, it’s not instant. I keep looking at poor little Amber and thinking how much better she would look with feathers. At least my constant photo taking provides a record and I will be able to compare.

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