The new veg plot is planted

We still had a mornings work to do again today but after that I was determined to finish getting the veg planted.

The new veg plot is planted

The new veg plot is planted

On the left are broad beans and peas. I have now dug up the onions that I had already planted in the old plot and put them down the edge of the path on the left.

I dug up the potatoes and have planted them on the right side of the right half. Next is purple sprouting broccoli then next to path are leeks which are tiny at the moment.

The view beyond the veg plot

The view beyond the veg plot

The new veg plot from the other direction

The new veg plot from the other direction

The next thing I did was plant the runner beans in the strip of the veg plot that we are keeping (where I had dug the potatoes out from).

The runner beans are in

The runner beans are in

In the space at the end of this row of beans I am going to plant chard for the girls. I then dug over the ground that will become the chicken run making sure there was nothing harmful for the girls. I dug out any self seeded potatoes as they are poisonous to chickens.

I then dug out buckets of top soil and put it in the existing run for the girls to scratch through. They had a great time scratching and finding bugs and worms.

New soil for the girls

New soil for the girls

You can also see from this photo that when the veg plot becomes part of the run it will double their garden area. They will love having all that space with fresh soil to scratch in. I can’t wait for it to get started.

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4 Responses to The new veg plot is planted

  1. Jackie says:

    It’s going to be great . You will be able to see them better from your workroom. You have worked hard .

    • Carol says:

      I am absolutely shattered. I don’t know how you manage two allotment plots. I guess we are used to constantly working but working then doing really physical work on top has done me in. I am really pleased though and like you said before we are the sort of people that have to do it right now!

      • Jackie says:

        I am shattered too. I have spent 11 hours at the allotments in 3 days and I cycle up there and back…and I’m getting older .it is all worth it when you get the the first beans , dig the first potatoes and collect the eggs

        • Carol says:

          Wow, you have been busy. it is worth in the end though as you say. It has been lovely weather for a bank holiday weekend for a change but you do get hot when digging. I was roasting today although it’s not a complaint. We couldn’t have got this done if it had rained and it is forecast to rain most of the week so we have been lucky.

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