Progress with the new veg plot

Today we had two functions to deliver so didn’t get back home until late afternoon.

The first thing I did was check on the girls and I found part of Amber’s egg shell in the run. The same thing happened the day before yesterday. Her eggs seem to catch her out and as the shells are so thin it breaks and gets eaten.

The good news is that at least she is passing them and she bounces back to normal once she has laid. On both occasions I knew it was Amber’s egg for many reasons. Honey had already laid on both days. I have actually seen Amber lay her egg in the run in the past. The shell is fragile and lastly she bounces back to her normal self.

The next thing we did was set to work on the new veg plot. It is quite time consuming because all the plants needed to be relocated. My husband dug out while I replanted. Some plants have gone into the garden and some into pots on the patio. The remaining thyme and any worms went to the girls.

My husband also laid a path through the middle as we walk through here all the time plus will need to be able to get to the veg. We felt really pleased with today’s progress especially as we had so little time.

The new veg plot is completed and just needs planting.

The new veg plot is completed and just needs planting.

It was now time to get our Sunday roast on so we decided this was enough for today. Tomorrow I will dig up the potatoes and onions from the old veg plot and replant them in the new veg plot. We will also plant the purple sprouting broccoli and the leaks. We will then plant the runner beans in the remaining strip of the old veg plot.

There are also a few shrubs (more like trees really which just self seeded) that have got too tall for their position in the garden so I intend trying to dig these out and plant them in the new chicken run. Being tall they may survive the girls and at least they won’t have cost anything.

It’s been a productive weekend considering we had work to do too and I am looking forward to getting the veg planting finished tomorrow.

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4 Responses to Progress with the new veg plot

  1. Jackie says:

    That looks just perfect and pleased that you have been successful, and everyone is happy.
    It is a shame about Amber but as you said at least she is laying them at the moment. Sadly there are a few chickens like Amber and Rosie who just struggle .. A big like people really .

    • Carol says:

      I agree. I am so happy with the veg plot and run extension plans but it’s marred by poor Amber’s trouble with her egg laying. I feel we just need to let things run their course for now and see how she goes on. There is nothing more I can do at the moment.

  2. Flock Mistress says:

    Your garden is lovely. I was out for just a bit this weekend too. Recovering from some surgery so I need to take it easy. But I’ve got cabin fever from being cooped up all week.

    • Carol says:

      Thank you. Hope you are better soon. I know how frustrating it is when you can’t get out and get on with things. I bet your peeps are growing.

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