Yesterday I decided to see if the chooks like tomato. I put in two halves and at first they would almost take a peck, then recoil as if it might bite them. I broke off a few small bits and dropped them near the half’s and they soon ate those. They then plucked up the courage to peck at it and decided they did like it.
Last night at bedtime both Bluebell and Treacle repeatedly sat on my lap, as is the evening routine at the moment. At one point though, Bluebell got behind me and jumped on my back. I leaned forward so that she wouldn’t slip off and Treacle jumped on my lap at the same time. I felt sandwiched between two chickens! I could feel Bluebell nuzzling my hair before she leapt down. Treacle stands a while looking at me on eye level then sits down. One thing that surprises me is how warm their legs and feet are, I think I expected them to be cold. Next time I will try stroking them. I have felt reluctant to do anything to put them off but I feel they are now ready for me to try being more interactive.
Oh, yes, try stroking them. I find that they are sometimes fearful if you pet their backs. But I’ll tickle their tummies and they seem to like that. My Honey will let me work both hands up under her belly and just give her a big tickle with both hands. You have nothing to lose. They might jump off but I’ll bet they like it.
I will try that tonight and let you know how I get on. Last night we had family to dinner and when we went out after dinner they had already put themselves to bed. I did gently stroke Treacle as she walked by me yesterday and she didn’t mind, so I think she may ready to take it further.