Treacle and Bluebell sit on my lap together

Last night as I sat with the girls, Bluebell was quick to jump on my lap as usual. She has done this every evening since the first time, just over a week ago. She got down again then back on and Treacle circled me, looking up at my lap. Treacle then  jumped on my lap and immediately Bluebell got on with her. Bluebell then got down first followed by Treacle, but then Treacle jumped back on and hunkered down, making herself comfortable. Not to be out done Bluebell squeezed back on but this time Treacle nudged her off and stayed put for quite some time. They seem to be vying for my affections. Since Treacle has been sitting with me she follows me around and runs to greet me first. She is a bigger bird then the other three but is really docile and friendly. The shape of Treacle’s  head and beak often remind me of an eagle. This is Treacle on the right.

Treacle sometimes looks an eagle

After the girls have a feed they all preen together, then settle down for a snooze together.

We all snooze together

I love the way they are such a tight little unit and do everything together.

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