I gave the girls mash this morning with some olive oil added to help Sparkle eat something that would be easier on her throat.
She has already improved since yesterday. She isn’t sitting on the coop roof today and is joining in with scratching with the girls. She is eating anything that is in small bits or is soft and is drinking and pooping. The sound she has been making isn’t as loud today. I think her throat is healing.
I think Topaz has moved to the top of the pecking order. She has given Pepper some warning pecks today, the sort of peck that isn’t nasty but just lets Pepper know she is now top. Pepper hasn’t contested it and walks off with a surprised look on her face as if she is thinking “how has this happened!”. Topaz has already done the same to Dotty who just side steps out of her way.
Sparkle is top of the original bantys and has also given them a quick warning and they too just hop out of the way.
The new pecking order is top girl Topaz followed by Pepper then Dotty, next is Sparkle followed by Amber then Honey still at the bottom and happy to stay there.
This is actually looking like a good move because since Topaz has moved to the top we haven’t seen any feather pulling. Topaz puts every one in their place without any nasty behaviour and they all accept it. Also when the treat dishes of mash or fish are on the patio there isn’t the constant moving around that Bluebell used to do. Topaz and the bantys seem to use one dish and the big girls another and they just get on with it. It seems that as long Topaz can eat from any dish she doesn’t feel the need to constantly chase another one away.
The flock dynamics seem to be much better with the new girls. This afternoon they were all sat together resting and all was calm with the flock united. Also although in reach of feather pulling we didn’t see any of this behaviour at all.
Another bonus is that since Bluebell left the flock Amber has continued to lay every other day with no problems. It seems like the flock is much improved all round and I really feel now that I made the right decision for the flock.
Today topaz discovered the nest box in the big coop. She sat in it for a while but when I lifted the lid she legged it and shouted her displeasure. She hasn’t laid yet but likes to practice each day.
This has all turned out so well and I am really happy with way my flock are all getting along.
Oh that is such good news that she is on the mend.
I have had no pecking or anything and they are all good girls even bluebell/ blossom.
That poor girl she has been blamed a lot and I’m sure that she was goaded . She has been as good as gold . I think I will blame pepper LOL
I don’t mean to sound like I am blaming her it is just that she didn’t seem able to fit in or be allowed to fit in. I think it must have been stressful for her having to prove herself by chasing the little girls all the time. She is happy now because she no longer has to do that.
Pepper would never have let Bluebell get away with anything and kept her out of their twosome but now Pepper is having to accept that she has been usurped.
I really do think the new arrangements are better for Bluebell/Blossom’s happiness but also better for my flocks happiness. It’s not blame it’s just that some flock members can’t get along with a certain set of hens.
A happy outcome for all and as I said yesterday I can love Bluebell/Blossom again now that she is a happy bunny.
I was only joking .. It’s only been a week or so and worms or chickens can turn !
I am so pleased we all have happy chickens and that little sparkly is hopefully on the mend .
A treatment to use for the future .
It’s okay, you don’t have to worry about any offence. We have both said that Pepper has been the instigator of the feather pulling which then spread to all of them. Treacle arrived and knocked her off top spot then when Treacle went she resumed the position and that was the start of the trouble. Now Topaz like Treacle has knocked her off top spot again and once again I think it’s for the better. Pepper is better being second in command I think so it is all good and Bluebell/Blossom is better in a more equal setting. It’s all an interesting learning curve. I also call her Sparkly sometimes, funny.
When I said “we have both said” I should have said that I meant: my husband and I. We always felt Pepper was the instigator of bad habits.