Treacle also sat on my lap

Last night when I sat with the chickens at bedtime, Bluebell as usual sat on my lap. She then jumped down and Treacle kept circling me and looking at me. Suddenly she jumped up on my lap for the first time. Bluebell immediately ran over and jumped on too. Soon Bluebell jumped off again but Treacle stayed put and hunkered down making herself comfortable. She sat there for about ten minutes, sometimes closing her eyes and she seemed really content.

I am so pleased that Bluebell and Treacle are so interactive with me after only two weeks. I have had Pepper and Dotty for six weeks but the dominiques are more closely related to game birds and are naturally more skittish and nervous. I am not sure if they will change as they get older or maybe they will always be a bit more shy. I love them just as much and have a special fondness for them as they have been with me from a younger age, but am now glad that I have a mixed flock and have two girls who are more interactive.

We decided to treat them with maggots again today as I have read that, with the problem we had with Peppers crop, it is a good thing to do to keep it clear. It was the first time for  the new girls, but they soon got the hang of it. Treacle in particular hoovered them up really quickly.

We love maggots

They seem really happy together and I am so enjoying spending time with them.

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2 Responses to Treacle also sat on my lap

  1. Flock Mistress says:

    OOOOO, they are getting so big. Isn’t it amazing how quickly they grow up?

  2. Carol says:

    It sure is amazing. When we first bought them home they reminded me of baby robins, sort of half done! Now they seem so grown up.
    When you were saying about nicknames on one of your posts, I realized that I often call pepper “Pepper Pot” and often think of Treacle as “Big Bird”. Treacle is a big hen compared to the other three as they are quite small breeds but she is so docile and never gets involved with pecking. She is a gentle giant, although still a small size compared to your big Buffs and Coco.

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