The first morning

I went out at half past six this morning to let the new girls out of the little coop.

I opened up the little coop

I opened up the little coop

Silver and Topaz came down the ramp

Sparkle and Topaz came down the ramp

They went straight to the food

They went straight to the food

They started inspecting their new surroundings

They started inspecting their new surroundings

The two sets of girls didn't take much notice of each other

The two sets of girls didn’t take much notice of each other

It will be interesting to see if the new girls put themselves to bed tonight. I really hope so as I don’t want to have to catch them.

It will also be interesting to see when they start laying. The farmer said he thought Sparkle may have started laying but couldn’t be sure as she was in amongst all the other birds.

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5 Responses to The first morning

  1. Jackie says:

    You have ante resting day ahead of you. I will be in touch .

  2. Jackie says:

    An interesting day not ante resting day . Well I suppose both apply

    • Carol says:

      A busy day actually, because we need to get our work for Monday done this morning then start preparing Sunday roast before our visitors arrive. We are having Roast lamb with all the trimmings. I think our guests will be surprised by the new arrivals as they visited last Sunday for Mothers Day and I didn’t get around to mentioning it.

      I will be in touch tonight or Monday.

  3. Flock Mistress says:

    Awe, so pretty.

    I’m still holding out for Honey to go broody and raise babies for me. But I’m getting tired of waiting.

    • Carol says:

      They are very pretty. I know how you feel, once I had made the decision to get some more I felt very impatient.

      After a smooth start the day got rockier! I am waiting to add the end of today to my post before I put it out.

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