This is proving tricky

Having decided that I would like some Dutch bantams, I went on to find that they are impossible to source. After two days of searching the internet every site I tried came back to me saying they don’t have any and one said they had stopped breeding them because they are so difficult to find.

I was disappointed but moved my search on to sebright bantams which are quite similar. They are a British breed of bird and there are golden and silver sebrights. It was the golden I fell for. They are a rich gold colour with each feather edged in black. They are similar in colour to my bantam vorwerks but so striking with the black edged feathers. The silver are actually white but also edged in black. Their body size is about the size of a wood pigeon. They are also a true banatm with no larger counterparts.

They are also proving just as impossible to find and after two days of searching I am having no luck here either.

I am feeling a bit down hearted about this.

Oddly enough the difficulty has made me more determined and I am going to widen my breed search. The reason I am more determined is because with Amber’s egg laying problems I am afraid that one day I may lose her. If this were to happen I wouldn’t want to leave Honey as a lone bantam with three big girls and now that I see how difficult it is to find more I can see that if this were to happen Honey could be the only little girl in the flock for a while.

Therefore I feel it is even more important to add some more bantams now so that if anything happened to one of my existing bantams they would still have bantam flock mates.

Honey is laying every other day at the moment but Amber hasn’t laid since her partial soft shelled egg just over a week ago. It concerns me that there may be something wrong with her egg laying equipment. It wouldn’t worry me at all if she didn’t lay often but what worries me is the problems she seems to have laying. Amber has so much character that I would be heart broken if I were ever to lose her but know that I must be realistic and would like to have the safe guard of a bigger group of bantys.

I am now going to move my search on to wyandotte bantams. The wyandotte originated in the United States. They appear in a wide variety of colour patterns and lay pale brown or tan eggs. I love the look of gold laced, chocolate laced, blue laced and partridge to name just a few.

The farm I got the little girls from a year ago had white bantam wyandottes but she said at the time that she knew of farms near by that bred coloured ones. I am going to get in touch with her tomorrow. At least this gives me a start point.

Will I be any more successful? Watch this space!

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2 Responses to This is proving tricky

  1. Jackie says:

    Size of a wood pigeon? I have some you can have in next doors conifer have a choice of about 2 dozen 🙂
    You will get there I am sure . Anything good is worth waiting for , so they say.

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