Last night I sat on my little wooden chair watching the chickens going through their bed time routine. Bluebell kept coming right up to me and suddenly she jumped on my lap. I had my arms resting on my lap and she perched on my arm. I talked gently to her and didn’t try to hold or stroke her as I didn’t want to put her off. She stayed for a few minutes, then jumped down. To my surprise she circled round me then jumped up again from the other side. I told her how clever she was and after a few minutes she jumped down again. She repeated this four times. Pepper was watching and looked as if she might do the same but then changed her mind. I will be interested to see what happens this evening. I was really pleased as Bluebell and Treacle have only been with us a week, where as Pepper and Dotty have been with us five weeks.
It seems that Bluebell is at the bottom of the pecking order as Pepper and Dotty peck her away to keep her in her place. Treacle being the largest doesn’t seem to feel the need to peck anyone. Despite this Bluebell seems to be the smartest. She is always the first to find anything new and is the most willing to get close to me and now to sit on my lap.
Pepper has asserted herself as top hen, yet seems to be the dimmest. She is always last to the treats and rarely gets much, although I don’t worry about this because after her crop problem she shouldn’t have many treats. It’s as if she is regulating herself at the moment. Pepper is also the one least likely to want to be touched or picked up (understandable as last time she was turned upside down and had her crop emptied!).
Pepper doesn’t peck Treacle as she is bigger but does run at with her chest puffed out and her ruff up, just to show her who is boss. It is interesting watching them settle their pecking order. When it comes to feeding, preening, perching or snoozing, they are all together though. This is nice to see and they seem to have formed a happy group.
Awe, you are going to have a cuddle bug in that Bluebell. My Honey Bear is a cuddler and I just love it.
I love it too. I didn’t think it was going to happen so soon. Last night she sat on my lap five times and my husband managed to get some photos, so that will be my next post.