The girl’s love my boots

I don’t know why the girls are so fascinated with my feet and my boots but they do tend to follow them, stick close to them and peck at them, why, I have no idea! Sometimes I wonder why they see no danger. I could step on them and have to be very careful not to do so.

The little girls have a fascination with my boots

The little girls have a fascination with my boots

Because the little girls were paying such attention, Pepper had to come and see what the fuss was about.

The little girls like to peck at my boots

The little girls like to peck at my boots

The little girls do this every day, they follow my feet and they peck at my boots. Why do they do this! I like to think they just enjoy being close to me. It is just one of the many things they do that brings them close to me.

When I sweep up in the evening the little girls jump on the nest box part of the coop while I sweep that corner. I look up and am eye to eye with them. I carry on sweeping and one of the little girls  will reach out and tweak a strand of my hair. It is so funny that these little girls don’t want to be touched yet really like to touch me. They like to get close on their own terms and have no fear that I might tread on them, yet I know they don’t want me to stroke them. They love to get close and will walk over my hands and feet and will peck my cloths and my hair but they don’t want me to touch them.

They are getting bolder all the time with their interactions with me and stick close to me whenever I am in the run. They get on eye level when ever they can and they watch me from inside the coop when I clean up in the mornings. Yet I know they don’t want me to stroke them or attempt to pick them up. It is funny how they have developed so much close contact but it is completely on their comfort level.

When we first bought them home they used to move away from me when I cleaned up the run but now they move towards me and more than that they get as close to me as they  possibly can.

I just feel honoured that such skittish creatures allow me so much close contact. I love to see them peck my shoes, my fleece, my hair and occasionally my fingers. I am fine with close contact on their terms.

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