Each of my chickens sound different. Pepper is the only one with her grown up voice so far, Dotty still goes “cheep cheep”, but Pepper goes “boc boc”, all day long. Treacle makes a strange sound, sort of “rrrrrrr”, and sometimes gives a little growl. Bluebell rarely makes any sound at all, just an occasional single chirp!
Bluebell will now come right up to me the most often and is the only one of the chickens that doesn’t run off, if I lightly stroke her back. I pointed the camera and this was Bluebell running towards me, I had to snap quickly before she was on top of me!
At least none of them go “cock-a-doodle-doo”!
You are so right! The more feminine sounds I hear, the happier I am.
They DO all make funny sounds. Of the last batch I raised, one used to quack like a duck. It was sooooo funny. She did this for months, probably till she was close to laying before she finally started bawking like a chicken.
I have heard a few different chicken sounds on clips with blogs, but I haven’t heard the sound Treacle makes before. It is a sort of rasping sound a bit like Buddy holly when he sang “pretty woman” and she also growls like a dog! You are right, they are so funny. Peppers “boc boc” has quite a melancholy sound. At first I thought she wasn’t happy with newcomers and kept asking her what was up. Then I came to see that is just her sound. The bed time twittering is the sweetest thing though.