My girls have their own funny ways of interacting with me. As soon as I walk through the gate Dotty likes to jump onto my shoulder. As I walk near the coop she likes to jump from my shoulder to the coop roof. This seems to be her way of saying hello to me and she does this like clockwork, every time I go through the gate, if she is nearby.
Bluebell and Pepper like to jump on my back while I am poop picking. They are not so keen to jump down again and sometimes I traverse the entire run, crablike, with either one or the other or both these girls on my back. I can tell you this “help” really speeds up the cleaning up!
The little girls like to get on eye level with me and if I am near the coop or the big perch they are straight up there and looking me in the eye. They seem to like me to chat to them. Sometimes they look like they want to jump on me too but can’t quite work up the courage and my husband often says he thinks they will one day.
My husband bought me some disposable overshoes for my boots as he was fed up with me walking mud onto the path and patio after I had been in the run. It became a pain to keep changing my boots and my chicken run boots had become caked in mud and were falling apart. This idea works really well. I slip them over my boots and use one pair every time I go in for one day then throw them away. My boots stay protected and our paths stay clean and a big box is inexpensive and will last me ages.
The funny thing is that the little girls are fascinated by these blue plastic overshoes. The big girls take no notice of them at all but the little girls follow these shoes around and peck at them. Having said that the little girls seem to like my feet in general. In the summer they will walk over my flip flops and when I am on the patio area in my boots they peck at them but these shoes seem to attract them even more and I have no idea why.
Today I asked my husband to take the camera and try to capture some of this behaviour. I said I would poop pick as normal if he could take some photos. I have to warn you it’s not too flattering for me as I have the blue disposable gloves to poop pick, my chicken fleece which can only be worn in the run as it will have muddy feet stood on it and the even less flattering blue overshoes. The fun though is seeing how my little helpers behave.
It’s difficult to see because of the apple tree but Bluebell is on my right shoulder and Pepper is on my left shoulder. Dotty and Honey are watching from the perch and Amber has one eye on my shoes.
You can’t see Peppers head as Bluebell is blocking her. Dotty is still watching them while Honey is looking nonchalant.
Pepper has jumped back on the perch but even when I try to gently tip Bluebell off she counter balances herself. The little girls look on with interest.
The little girls will follow my blue shoes all around the run pecking at them when they can. By the end of the day they often have little holes in them.
The little girls like me to chat to them at eye level. I had thought that I would like to get another photo of them all together on the big perch but if I come into the run they will jump down to greet me or one of them, usually Bluebell, will be off in another part of the run. However if I crouch down at eye level and chat to them, they will all come and jump onto the perch.
I took lots of photos of them on the perch but Dotty was preening in most of them and her head was hidden. This was the best one although there is another which is quite funny.
I nearly rejected this photo but then thought Bluebell looks so funny and she often looks like this. I think it’s partly her upright stance but also partly that she has her legs spaced apart.
Anyway, this is how my little helpers “help” me everyday and I wouldn’t have it any other way as I just love their interaction with me. It makes poop picking a fun thing to do and keeps us bonded.
They are great photos. The one with Bluebell on your back looks like you have pasted her picture on . I just love the ones with them on the branch all together,
You know how little technical know how I have, they are the real deal. Hubby took loads and I narrowed it down to these few. I have lots of slightly different ones of them on my back but didn’t want to bore everyone. I always love the ones of them on the branch together and we took loads of them too. It was difficult to pick just a few. These girls are so much fun.
Great photos! I have nearly, exactly the same fleece (mine’s grey), to venture out with the girls in! 😀
In the summer I have my special chicken cardigan and in the winter my special chicken fleece. These items are for the chickens only as they both end up with muddy chicken foot prints on. I am glad I am not alone.
Awe, so sweet. They love you. They think you are their leader.
It does feel like they are my little posse following me around. I must admit I love it. I think that is what is so lovely about chickens and makes them so special.
Loved it Carol, thanks for mentioning it. Given me a big smile and a chuckle on a quiet & boring day.xx
Thank you, glad to have you along. I have been blogging for two years now and should have mentioned it before but wasn’t sure if you would be interested. I have to say that chickens are totally addictive.
Do you find it slippery walking around in the mud with the over shoes on?
Oddly enough, no they are not slippery at all. The ground I am walking on is now dry due to the wood chip and the board but even when I was walking in the mud it wasn’t slippery. Instead what would happen was that my feet would sink into the mud and when I lifted my foot up the shoe would get sucked off my foot and left behind.
They look silly but it makes a real difference. They are easy to slip on and my boots and the path stay clean and the odd thing is that the little girls love them!