Bonding together

The girls seem to be getting used to each other now and seem to be more integrated. They feed together, go to bed together with less argument and snooze together in the sun or the shade depending on how warm it is.

We all relax together

The new girls have also discovered the perch now. Unfortunately I didn’t manage to photo all four on the perch as Bluebell jumped down when I approached.

Treacle has found the perch

Pepper joins Treacle on the perch

Dotty joins them on the perch

Pepper’s crop has remained much improved and Dotty is not growing at the rate Poppy did, so I am now settling into believing she is not a roo. I am now really happy with my mixed flock and they seem to be settling happily too. I am really enjoying the experience and looking forward to a time when we start to get eggs.

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