Our second five egg day

This morning the girls all seemed to want to lay at once and were doing a lot of shouting about it. Dotty went into the nest box and was joined by Honey but Bluebell kept going in and trying to get Honey out. Pepper would go in the little coop and Bluebell would go and watch her too and generally everyone was making an awful fuss.

At this point we had to go out as we had food to deliver to a party and I decided the girls would just have to get on with it and sort it out.

We returned a short time later and I went up to check on them. There were four eggs. Pepper and Bluebell had laid in the little coop and Dotty and Honey had laid in the nest box. All was peaceful and I was pleased that they had sorted it out without any further egg disasters. A good result, I thought.

A little later when I went in to them, I automatically checked the nest box again and to my surprise there was Amber’s egg. This is only our second ever five egg day.

Our second five egg day

Our second five egg day

I know I had already taken a photo of our first five egg day but I couldn’t resist a photo of our second five egg day too. We have Dotty’s slightly darker egg on the left, followed by Pepper’s egg, then Bluebell’s then Honey’s and Amber’s on the right.

Well done girls, what a great egg laying day!

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2 Responses to Our second five egg day

  1. Jackie says:

    Oh a well done from Clover, Rosie , Bonny and Annie .
    It does look like your banty eggs are getting bigger.

    • Carol says:

      Thank you all. I guess the banty eggs are a bit bigger. They will always be smaller than the big girls eggs but it doesn’t matter as the yolks are the same size. We have them fried for our Sunday cooked breakfast which is our once weekly treat.

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