Honey and Amber are synchronized

It’s been really hot followed by storms and then a really wet spell. Because of this I haven’t been taking photos and haven’t had much to say about the girls.

The little girls egg laying has improved, possibly because of the cooler weather and practise. Honey has now laid an egg two days in a row, three times. In between she lays every other day. Amber’s egg laying is a bit more erratic, she has anything from one day to five days between eggs. Both girls are now laying in the nest box and their eggs have normal, hard shells.

The two little girls are a very close pair. They sit together, dust bath together, roost together and will often both eat and drink together especially at the lead up to bedtime.

Honey and Amber at the food dishes

Honey and Amber at the food dishes

They were side by side at the dishes, taking a dish each, They then moved across to the water and proceeded to drink together. They were perfectly synchronized.

Honey and Amber have a drink of water

Honey and Amber have a drink of water





Up again

Up again

I quickly snapped a series of photos and thought they would work really well in a flicker book (you flick the pages quickly and the pictures look like they are moving). I have only put in a few though, or they would be too repetitive. They are funny to watch, such cute little girls!

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