Something to cool the girls

Yesterday was the hottest day yet. We had been forecast possible storms. The air was heavy and still and we had a little thunder but no relief.

In the afternoon, Pepper was in the little coop trying to lay her egg. The bantys seemed unaffected by the heat but for the first time Dotty and Bluebell were panting. I needed something extra to cool the girls. I found an old metal tray which I put about an inch of cold water in. I then poured in some frozen peas. I hoped as well as eating cold peas and taking on extra water, that the girls would stand in the tray and cool their feet.

Amber was the first one brave enough to invesrtigate

Amber was the first one brave enough to investigate

Bluebell, Dotty and Honey came over to take a look

Bluebell, Dotty and Honey came over to take a look

They decided they liked this

They decided they liked this

Pepper leaves the nest box and comes over to take a look

Pepper leaves the nest box and comes over to take a look

Amber is the first one to stand in the water

Amber is the first one to stand in the water

Amber was the only one who actually stood in the water. Pepper put one foot in. They enjoyed it though and it cooled them down as I didn’t see any more panting. Today I will try to find a plastic tray that is large enough to encourage them into the water rather than just eating the peas while standing outside the tray. Even if I don’t find anything bigger, I will still repeat this as they obviously enjoyed it and it cooled them down.

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6 Responses to Something to cool the girls

  1. Steve says:

    Fishing for peas! I used to play this with my pet rats, although they used a dog bowl full of water and did it in my hallway…

    • Carol says:

      Wow, I didn’t know that. What a great idea. I have just bought a plastic tray so now they have their own water tray. I have also bought them a bag of frozen peas and a bag of frozen sweetcorn. As this weather is forecast to last a month, I will make this a daily afternoon activity.

      • Jackie says:

        Mine have had this for a couple of years peas and sweet corn in water ..but a great idea for a large tray as they can paddle in it as well.

        • Carol says:

          I am just working on my next post with my new tray, which I was trying to encourage them to paddle in.

          I am still fine tuning, I am going to sink it in the ground to make it easier for them to step into. Watch this space…

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