It’s hot

Hot summer weather has arrived at last. Sunday was the hottest day of the year so far (high seventies) and after a washed out summer last year it was the hottest day that the chickens have yet experienced. They didn’t like it! It was the noisiest the girls have been, complaining all day.

I have been giving them fresh cold water at midday and wetting the patio area and a corner of the garden area to help keep it cool. They don’t drink the fresh cold water I give them, they drink from the muddy puddles that form. They have shade under the bush which is where they like to spend most of their time.

I give them melon, cucumber and grapes to give moisture. Sunday was so hot that they did no scratching or dust bathing. Bluebell and Dotty laid their eggs in the morning but Pepper went in at midday day when it was hottest and she always takes the longest.

When she came out she was holding her wings up and out, away from her body. She must have got over heated in the nest box. I have never seen her do this before and it made her look huge. I lightly water sprayed them to cool them down but they ran off in disgust, because I use the spray when they peck or feather pull they see it as a punishment.

Luckily yesterday was cooler with some cloud and a breeze and they seemed back to normal and all had a dust bath in the afternoon.

They love pecking at cabbage when I hang it from a wire so I wondered if they would like their afternoon apple like that too, instead of on the ground. They soon lined up at the apples.

Apples on wire

Apples on wire

Last night when I was doing my evening clean up there was suddenly a commotion on the patio. I looked up to see Pepper attacking Amber. She was on her back holding her down and pecking her. I dashed over and grabbed the water spray. I don’t know why she suddenly attacked her and they weren’t near the food.

Poor Amber was limping and sitting down a lot. She still went to the food and water as usual but it looked like she had hurt her leg or foot. She was trying to keep off the left leg. I picked her up and checked her leg and foot and couldn’t see anything so I think maybe she sprained it when she went down. I will be keeping a close eye on her. The bantys have such tiny legs and feet and when I pick them up they curl their toes round my fingers.

This morning Amber looks okay, just a very slight limp but I will be keeping a close eye on her. Just when I thought they were all getting along, I really don’t know why they suddenly do this and it is upsetting to see. This morning everything seems back to normal though.

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2 Responses to It’s hot

  1. Jackie says:

    Oh no ! I thought this was going to be cheery LOL . I was looking forward to a post but not now.
    This what happened to Annie the other day by Rosie if you recall .It was not just a peck but nasty .. Not a lot we can do really but panic .

    • Carol says:

      I too was ready for a cheery post and it got delayed a bit because of the attack happening before I wrote it, then I couldn’t exclude it. Anyway no more problems since and Amber has bounced back and now looks back to normal. Let’s hope it was just a one off. They do like to keep us on our toes!

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