Latest Plan

I have rung around every vet within our area this morning. I only found two with chicken experts and both were on holiday for the week. None of the vets I spoke to had the experience to treat Pepper. I felt it could not wait until the weekend so we have shuffled our work tomorrow and will take all three back to the farm in Dorset so that they can treat Pepper and take a look at the roos.

If they don’t have more Dominiques, I am thinking that if we can sort out Pepper’s crop problem perhaps I could take three bantams as a mixed flock that would fit with Pepper,  as she will be quite a small hen and I don’t want her to end up alone or picked on if mixed with new hens. I was thinking possibly of bantam : sussex, cuckoo maran and wyndotte.

I feel very tearful and sad that I have had my little flock for a month and may have to leave at least two behind tomorrow. I am trying to remain positive and think at least I have cared for them for a month and watched them grow and change so much in that time. I have had that experience and given them a lovely time with me. Now maybe I can look ahead to to a possible new flock and hope it runs more smoothly next time.

We three stick together

I love this photo as it shows how together these three are. I feel very sad at the thought of splitting them up.

Poppy, our beautiful roo!

Poppy in the tree

Not the best photo but to just to show her latest trick of perching in the tree.

Poppy in the flower pot!

Dotty watches poppy in the flower pot!

I am so sad that these may be the last photos of them together. I have loved them so much in this month that we have shared together.

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2 Responses to Latest Plan

  1. Flock Mistress says:

    Oh, no. I’m so bummed for you. I’m wishing you good thoughts. I always say, things happen for a reason. That reason, we may never know. But they do happen for a reason. Do keep us posted on what happens.

  2. Carol says:

    I will definitely keep posting. I just hope they can treat Pepper and can find me some more chickens. I dread bringing her home alone or having none at all. I also know from you how difficult it may be integrating new chickens with her. But it has to be done, she can’t be alone. I also wonder how much she will miss those two. I dread the journey too as after a cold summer here we are now having a hot spell. I thought I would put covered ice packs in the bottom of the crate to keep them cool. What ever happens today is going to be a big day for us, but I trying to stay positive.

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