Egg laying skills and other things

Amber really hasn’t got the hang of egg laying yet. Today I had been in with the girls and left them for a very short while. When I returned Amber had again laid her egg in the run. It was still warm and the big girls were gathered round it, it must have caught her by surprise again.

Two days earlier she managed to lay her egg in the nest box but once again it was a bit smaller than usual.

Pepper's egg on the left, Honey's egg in the middle and Amber's egg on the right

Pepper’s egg on the left, Honey’s egg in the middle and Amber’s egg on the right

Her eggs have hard shells now though and she doesn’t look unwell when about to lay, so I don’t mind what size they are. We are averaging four banty eggs a week (two from each of them) so not prolific layers but that’s okay as long as the girls are happy and healthy.

The veg plot has grown so much now that we can hardly see the chickens through it.

Through the veg plot you can just make out Bluebell looking out

Through the veg plot you can just make out Bluebell looking out

The self seeded common spotted orchid is taking forever for the flower to open.

Common spotted orchid

Common spotted orchid

I have been waiting two months since the bud appeared. Maybe it’s because we haven’t had much sun but that is forecast to change from tomorrow through to next week. Sun at last, hurrah!

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