The feather pulling continues

It was a week ago that I noticed banty feathers in the run. At the time I couldn’t see where they were disappearing from. Over this past week I have noticed Ambers neck becoming bare but couldn’t catch the culprit in action.

Today I was in with the girls while they were having their afternoon sit together. I saw that it was Bluebell pecking at Amber’s neck and Pepper was pecking at Bluebell’s neck. Dotty would peck at Pepper’s bottom.

I told them off and sprayed them with water but Pepper looked puzzled as if she just couldn’t see what she was doing wrong. It always seems to happen most when they sit together. I had really hoped the bantys would move out of the way and couldn’t understand why Amber was being targeted when she is the most feisty of the two. Watching them today it seems that it’s because she wants to sit with them and be part of the group that she allows it.

I am finding this habit so frustrating because although it doesn’t effect the girls health or happiness, it does totally spoil their looks. I look at other peoples chooks with envy and I feel bad that I have brought the bantys into this flock only to see them spoiled too.

As they are all doing it separation isn’t an option. I only hope that when they have their first molt maybe that will stop it. If not it worries me that this may be a problem that I will always have. It also means that any future hens I add to the flock may get plucked too.

Bluebell and Dotty's missing neck feathers

Bluebell and Dotty’s missing neck feathers

Dotty's head and neck are bare

Dotty’s head and neck are bare

Dotty is missing some feathers under her wing exposing her downy under feathers.

Pepper's neck is untouched

Pepper’s neck is untouched

Pepper’s neck feathers are untouched but she is also missing some feathers under her wing.

Amber's neck is becoming bare

Amber’s neck is becoming bare

Pepper's bare bottom

Pepper’s bare bottom

Pepper’s bottom is the most bare. We have a theory that as she is top hen, they don’t peck her neck so instead peck her bottom where she can’t see them.

Bluebell and dotty's bottoms

Bluebell and Dotty’s bottoms

Honey seems untouched at the moment

Honey seems untouched at the moment

I wonder how long Honey will stay untouched. I feel so saddened that this behaviour is continuing and I can’t stop it. I should have a beautiful flock but instead they are tatty and scruffy looking!

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2 Responses to The feather pulling continues

  1. Steve says:

    “it seems that it’s because she wants to sit with them and be part of the group that she allows it.”

    I think she just allows it because it doesn’t hurt her and she doesn’t care how scruffy she looks! To the chickens I don’t think it bothers them at all…

    • Carol says:

      I know it doesn’t bother them but it’s such a shame. I look at other peoples chickens with envy and would love to see mine looking good again. I wonder if they will ever be fully feathered again and I know there is nothing else I can do, I have already tried everything.

      We discussed this last night and agreed that the problem isn’t down to boredom either because it happens when they have their daily time of sitting together, preening , dust bathing and snoozing. It’s a communal habit and therefore impossible to break.

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