
Yesterday I was in the garden when I heard one of the bantys making an agitated noise. I went to investigate and Amber walked out from under the bush into the open. At first I thought one of the big girls was having a go at her as they gathered around her.

Amber then held her wings down and stood like a penguin. I have heard of hens looking like this when they have an egg stuck and started to feel worried about her. Dotty peered at her bottom and I thought she was going to pull a feather from her so I waved Dotty away.

At that moment Amber stepped forward and there beneath her was a warm egg. I had just, for the first time, witnessed an egg being laid. Amber simply wandered off. She really doesn’t seem to know when her eggs are immanent and the other girls were clearly interested in what was going on. After a year with chickens, there are still moments like this, of experiencing something for the first time.

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2 Responses to Amber

  1. Jackie says:

    I have only seen this once and it is a great experience. Moments like that opens your eyes to nature even more … Where was your camera 🙂

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