Scratching together

last night before bedtime I scooped up a couple of buckets of damp wood chip that the girls had scratched out of their run. I dumped it back in the run and watched them scratch through it. They found a few worms and little bugs and I love the way that they are so together now.

Five girls scratching together

Five girls scratching together

They love scratching through the wood chip

They love scratching through the wood chip

The photos are not great because of the constant movement but they show that my little flock truly are one flock now!

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4 Responses to Scratching together

  1. Jackie says:

    Phew ! Well that’s a relief..I’m not holding my breath 🙂

    • Carol says:

      I know what you mean! The last bleeding comb was over the nest box dispute so I am hopeful that the little coop has solved that and maybe just a bit of pecking will suffice instead of drawing blood.

      It is lovely when they are all scratching together or dust bathing or snoozing.

  2. Rachel says:

    At last, congrats!!!
    All your hard work has paid dividends 😀 x

    • Carol says:

      Thank you. There will always be some pecking but the main thing is, no blood! and they seem to want to do chicken stuff together so that’s good.

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