Is Dotty also a roo?

I can’t bear to think that sweet little Dotty is also a roo, but she is growing more like Poppy each day.

Poppy has a roo like tail

Poppy has long legs and the upright stance of a roo

Is dotty also getting a roo like tail?

Only time will tell.

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2 Responses to Is Dotty also a roo?

  1. Flock Mistress says:

    OMG, I’m just amazed. And you bought these as sexed pullets? I know it’s not 100% guaranteed but I would just be shocked that you received two roos out of three chickens. Unless something shady was going on where you bought them from. My heart goes out to you. I ended up w/ a roo and was devastated. Had I ended up w/ two. I just don’t know what I would have done.

  2. Carol says:

    Because they are a rare breed here, the farm in Dorset was the only place in the country that I could find breeding them. Because it was a difficult year for them, these three were the only ones they had got up to two months and I had been waiting for months for them. I don’t know yet if they have more. I am now thinking that I have been too narrow minded in wanting Dominiques so much and wonder if I get left with just pepper (if we can sort out her crop problem) whether perhaps to add three bantoms as a mixed flock. I am thinking bantam sussex, cuckoo maran and wandotte. Then Pepper as a small hen would be more likely to fit in with them. So sad about about the roo’s though!

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