Our first five egg day

Yesterday Bluebell laid her egg in the little coop. This morning she laid in the little coop again. I wondered if Bluebell preferred the little coop because it has more headroom than the nest box. Bluebell is our biggest girl and I know hens have to stand at the moment of expelling their eggs so wondered if this meant the little coop suited her better.

Later in the day I checked the little coop again and found Pepper’s, Honey’s and Amber’s eggs all together. This now seems to have become the preferred nest box, it seems that it may be a prestigious thing. Pepper’s egg was cold but Honey’s and Amber’s were still warm so Pepper was the first to lay. Dotty laid later in the afternoon in the usual nest box. She is the only one not to have shown any interest in the little coop.

This is our very first five egg day. Both the little girls eggs had normal shells and they didn’t look unwell before laying them so perhaps have got the hang of it at last.

Our first five egg day

Today’s eggs

Bluebell’s egg is on the left, next is Dotty’s egg, then Pepper’s then Honey’s and Amber’s egg on the right. Although Pepper and Dotty are both the same breed I can tell their eggs apart because Dotty’s eggs are slightly darker in colour than Pepper’s. At the moment Amber’s eggs are slightly smaller than Honey’s but when they catch up their eggs will be impossible to tell apart unless the shade of them changes.

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4 Responses to Our first five egg day

  1. Rachel says:

    What a beautiful clutch of eggs 🙂
    Well done girls! 😀

    • Carol says:

      Yes it sure is a lovely clutch, I have been wondering when we would get all five in one day. We have had a few nearly’s with four in a day and the fifth one the following morning but this was the first time they were all in tune! Way to go girls!

  2. Amy says:

    Woo Hoo. Special treats for the girls!

    • Carol says:

      You are so right, although I am guilty of giving way too many treats. They run to the store cabinet, jump on my back or hang round my feet and beg and it is oh so hard to resist!

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