Summer in the garden part two

In my last post I showed part of the garden so decided to follow up with the rest of the garden. I also wanted to update on my quest to identify the mystery plant.

I had a hunch that it may be an orchid so put wild orchid into the internet search. It didn’t throw up my plant so I added spotted leaves to the search. This gave me common spotted orchid. The leaves exactly match the leaves on my plant. The flower hasn’t yet opened so I won’t be able to match the flower until it opens properly but from the leaves I am certain this is what the plant is. I can only think it got to our garden from a bird dropping the seed. I will follow up with a photo when it opens.

The veg plot in front of the chicken enclosure

The veg plot in front of the chicken enclosure

From the veg plot looking down towards the patio

From the veg plot looking down towards the patio

Looking up the garden

Looking up the garden

Looking up towards the chicken enclosure

Looking up towards the chicken enclosure



I will be straight back to chickens after this but felt this completes my previous post.

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4 Responses to Summer in the garden part two

  1. Jackie says:

    To have a garden space like my dreams!
    Can you see why I thought hosta? Probably not LOL.

    • Carol says:

      I can see where you were coming from by the colour of the leaves but I felt they were just too narrow.

      Our previous garden was a postage stamp so we do appreciate this garden and it was a big part of what attracted us to this house.

  2. Steve says:

    My garden was looking lovely and full yesterday, but not with the kinds of plants you have. There was a massive thistle, loads of stinging nettles and quite an impressive amount of bindweed!

    We have hacked it back today. Now it’s just a patchy mess of grass and clover. I don’t think I was cut out to be a gardener!

    • Carol says:

      We can’t all be good at everything! Look how good I am at

      Gardening is something that evolves over time. I have had longer at it than you. Also you have to be guided by what will grow in your garden (apart from weeds) and we have had to give up on some things that we wanted but didn’t thrive.

      Even my beloved thyme lawn has had to be adapted! Getting weeds out is a good start though, it will look better in time.

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