
I am all ready and waiting for my chickens, and have been keeping in touch with the farm in Dorset that breeds Dominiques. They now have chicks but I need to wait until the end of May for them to be two months old when they can be sexed and will be strong enough for me to take to their new home.

I keep looking in at their home to be and imagining them in there. Since we finished it the hanging basket and pot of herbs have grown and the apple tree has blossomed. I am hoping that as the lower branches of the apple tree are quite vertical, we can sacrifice the bottom apples and the chickens won’t be able to get at the rest, otherwise we may have to put some netting round the underside of the tree. We shall cross that bridge when we come to it: It’s a small price to pay for the pleasure of having the chickens!

Looking in to the run

Inside looking out

Apple blossom and chicken coop

I have also added a fallen branch to the corner of the run to give them a natural perch. In front of the run I have my first chicken: It’s a rusty chicken for decoration and probably a similar size to what mine will be when I first get them (about the size of a pigeon).

Rusty chicken

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