Honey’s next egg

After Pepper and Honey both wanted to be in the nest box at the same time, the day before yesterday, neither of them laid the following day. Yesterday evening before bedtime Honey looked unwell again. I knew this meant she was going to lay another egg soon. She had some meal worms and some water then sat behind the bush until bedtime. I just don’t understand why egg laying makes her feel so bad as her eggs have normal shells. She hadn’t laid an egg for seven days.

This morning Honey seemed back to normal but still no egg. I went out on my deliveries and when I returned I found three eggs in the nest box.

Today's eggs

Today’s eggs

Pepper’s egg is on the left, Bluebell’s in the middle and Honey’s egg on the right. I don’t know if the girls went in one at a time or shared the nest box but there was no sign of blood anywhere and all the girls seem to be getting along okay. No one seems interested in the other coop but I will keep it in there for now.

It’s such a shame that Honey seems so off colour every time she is about to lay an egg. I keep hoping it will get better with practice. I just don’t know why it effects her like this.

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