My little flock are getting along better at last

We have had the bantys for seven weeks now and it’s been two weeks since they have been completely integrated. Last weekend Ambers comb was pecked but since then everything seems to have settled down and there have been no more incidences. They are now mixing much more and dust bath and snooze and preen together.

Rose in front of the chicken run

Rose in front of the chicken run

We transplanted this rose from the patio as we needed more space there, to the front of the chicken run last summer. We weren’t sure it would survive but its looking really good now and makes the front of the run look pretty without obscuring our view in. I have also planted a row of nasturtiums in the hope that they will tumble through the mesh and the chickens can eat them. Chickens love nasturtiums and they are edible.

Five girls snooze together

Five girls snooze together

I love to see all the girls having their afternoon snooze together and this is their favourite spot near the bush. Both Pepper in the foreground and Dotty behind Bluebell, have their head under their wings. Honey and Amber are tucked in at the back. This is so sweet to see.

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