Bedtime and egg laying

Last night from early evening Honey looked unwell. She would drink some water and sit under the bush and wasn’t her usual self. I recognise this in the bantys now, this was exactly how Amber was a few days ago before laying her egg then she was straight back to normal. The bantys seem to struggle with egg laying. Honey was laying every other day but hasn’t laid for five days now, so I feel she is struggling with laying her egg.

I spent some time with the girls keeping an eye on Honey then left them until dusk. When I went back in I was surprised to see a change in the bedtime positions. Amber had gone in the coop and the door had shut (Amber always goes in first). Honey was on the coop roof alone!

Honey on the coop roof

Honey on the coop roof

The three big girls had chosen a new place to roost.

The three big girls sitting on the high perch

The three big girls sitting on the high perch

We three are perching here tonight!

We three are perching here tonight!

I put Honey in the coop then lifted the big girls down and put them in. Surely Honey couldn’t have kept them off the roof! It will be interesting to see where they choose tonight.

This morning I hoped Honey would have laid her egg but she hadn’t and she still wasn’t herself. I put two dishes of mash with ground egg shells in for the girls and Honey ignored it. She had some water then returned to the bush and I felt really worried about her. Bluebell laid her egg first which is good because if Honey needed the nest box it’s better not having to compete with Bluebell.

A little later Honey settled in the nest box. I checked on her a few times and she was in there for a very long time. When I next went to check on her Bluebell was going in to take a look. I rattled the corn container as I wanted to distract Bluebell away from Honey. Honey came running out for the corn too. I checked the nest box and there was her warm egg. Honey was then completely back to normal.

Honey’s egg was smaller than usual and more pointed in shape.

Bluebell's egg on the left, Honey's in the middle and Amber's on the right

Bluebell’s egg on the left, Honey’s in the middle and Amber’s on the right

Honey was fine after she had laid her egg. I don’t know why the little girl’s are having such a hard time laying. I hope that when they are laying more regularly they will find it easier.

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