Bedtime routine

We put two high perches in the run to give the bantys somewhere to escape from the big girls. They haven’t discovered either perch yet!

Bluebell has found the one over the store cabinet and taken to settling there at bedtime. I think because Pepper tries to keep her off the coop roof she has chosen this perch as it’s near to them.

The little girls try to get on the coop roof too but Pepper chases them off. They usually give up and go in the coop. They settle in the nest box together which is good for me as I don’t have to put them in.

Bluebell has taken to roosting here before bedtime

Bluebell has taken to roosting here before bedtime

About to jump down

About to jump down

Her weight keeps breaking the top of the store cabinet

Her weight keeps breaking the top of the store cabinet

Pepper and Dotty roost here

Pepper and Dotty roost here

Bluebell is big and heavy and every time she jumps off the high perch she collapses the top of the store cabinet. The top is a sheet of plastic which fits into a slot in the wood. After she has pushed it in I am able to pop it back up into the slot. This is temporary though. I am going to get a wooden board to fit the top so that it will take her weight. Another small job on our never ending list of improvements to the run.

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2 Responses to Bedtime routine

  1. LJB says:

    Have you seen this post from Hen Cam? It made me think of Bluebell …

    • Carol says:

      I do follow Hen Cam too. I think it’s easier in a way that Terry can move the bullies into different groups.

      Bluebell was always bottom girl and totally docile, never pecked back at any time. Then the little girls came and she turned into an aggressive monster. I know it’s because she doesn’t want to slide further down but they don’t contest her. She uses much more aggression than the others did.

      I can only separate her from them but as soon as I put her back she is the same. I spray with water and tell her off but it’s when I am not there. I don’t know what else to do with her.

      Today has been quite good but yesterday she drew blood and that’s what worries me. I never imagined she could be like this!

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