A good day

This morning the little girls looked fine again. Perhaps Amber was subdued yesterday from laying a soft shelled egg and being bullied constantly by Bluebell. Today Bluebell has been much better, an occasional go at them but not constantly like the last few days and the little girls look brighter. It was a lovely day too which I am sure the girls enjoy as much as I do.

They are eating, drinking and pooping and Honey laid an egg today in the nest box. They run to me when I go up the garden and run to the patio when I open the store cabinet door, just in case there are some treats on offer. They also joined in with the morning cabbage with plenty of enthusiasm.

In the afternoon I gave the girls some maggots. This was the first time the bantys have had maggots and they loved them.

The little girls first maggots

The little girls first maggots

Fun for all the girls

Fun for all the girls

It’s been so nice having a happy flock today and I hope it continues like this!

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6 Responses to A good day

  1. Jackie says:

    It will continue ..Like the Curates egg good in parts!

    • Carol says:

      I hope so, yesterday wasn’t a good day and I was beginning to think that they were never going to get along and that there was something wrong with Amber. Today has been completely different, hence quite a short post!

      I have just been out to them and five girls ran to me with such enthusiasm, totally as one happy (for now) flock. I hope this is a step forward but of course you never know what tomorrow is going to bring. For now though, I am happy again. Happy flock, happy me!

      • Jackie says:

        you mentioned a soft egg.. that is usual at first and it can take it out of them . The ones that Rosie laid made her really poorly ,as you know I thought she was on her way out!

        • Carol says:

          Maybe it was that then that put her off colour. She has only so far laid (every other day) two tiny eggs the size of a thumbnail and then this soft egg yesterday morning, she looked off colour all day yesterday, lethargic, standing on the spot with her eyes closing. I thought maybe we were going to lose her. Then today she is back to her normal self.

      • Jackie says:

        A soft egg can make them really feel and look poorly .I remember it really took the toll on Rosie …I will be in touch .

        • Carol says:

          Pepper and Dotty once laid a soft egg, both together on the same morning. The difference was that they had been laying for a long time and the day before I gave too many treats and had noticed they didn’t eat as many pellets as usual. It had no effect on them and they laid as normal the next day.

          With Amber she hasn’t got in to her stride yet and has laid the two wind eggs followed by the soft shelled egg. Maybe her next egg will be normal.

          Honey laid her eighth egg today and all of them have been normal. She lays every other day usually.

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